Support Us

To learn more, view our Member Benefits Packet and then submit a Membership Inquiry to set up a meeting with PLAN’s Campus Network Director.

What does my school get with PLAN Membership?

Gain unlimited access to all of our manuals and resources.

Access our digital trainings and Beyond Waste Leadership Certification.

Set up 1-on-1 advising calls with ANY PLAN staff member.

How much does Membership cost?

Ready to sign Membership? Click the button below.
Still have questions? Send us an inquiry here.

What are other ways my school

can get involved with PLAN?

Sign the Break Free from Plastic Campus Pledge.

Attend our Students for Zero Waste Conference.

Create a holistic zero waste plan with Atlas Advising.

Wondering if your school is already a PLAN member?

See if they’re included on the map below.  To get in touch with a PLAN staff member, reach out to