Atlas' 2023 Top 10 Zero Waste Campus list is here!
View the Campus Profiles
The word Atlas, with the first A being replaced by a directional arrow pointing up. A telescope sits above the directional arrow.

A 3-Stage Student Fellowship Program that Provides Zero Waste Consulting Deliverables to College Campuses

The Atlas Zero Waste project empowers and trains young leaders to facilitate their campuses through the process of establishing zero waste commitments, Action Plans, and Return on Investment (ROI) Analyses. During a 3-Stage Fellowship Program, Fellows are trained to perform holistic qualitative assessments, facilitate stakeholders to create strategic visions that overcome campus silos and bureaucratic challenges, and develop a long-term proposal for the infrastructure and logistics needed to achieve zero waste – including financial ROI analysis.

Stage 1

Atlas Zero Waste Certification®
Fellows perform a holistic assessment to measure the campus's capacity to achieve zero waste. Campuses receive a report and Atlas Zero Waste scorecard which may qualify for them zero waste certification.
1 Semester: 10-14 weeks
Learn about Stage 1

Stage 2

Strategic Visioning
Fellows facilitate campus stakeholders through a collaborative exploration into zero waste solutions and options - ultimately establishing a campus-wide Strategic Vision to achieve zero waste.
1 Semester: 10-14 weeks
Learn about Stage 2

Stage 3

Action Planning
Fellows conduct research on logistics, infrastructure, and staffing - working with stakeholders to develop a proposal for a Zero Waste Action Plan - including a Return on Investment (ROI) analysis for each waste reduction project.
3 Semesters: 12-16 months
Learn about Stage 3
A green reusable to-go container containing a salad lunch.

Ditch disposables in dining this year!

Join our Reusable To-Go ROI Calculation Course, a certificate module of the Atlas Zero Waste Fellowship. This 5-6 week program has students gain hands-on experience in financial and logistical analysis of reusable systems. Last year's cohort of 11 campuses projected a reduction of 18.6 million pieces of plastic annually and savings of over $7.7 million in yearly expenses.

Learn more and apply by Feb 5


Atlas Campuses


Paid Student Fellows


Campus Stakeholders Engaged

Atlas Campuses

Meet the Fellows

“Being part of the Zero Waste Atlas Fellowship has been an inspiring and fun journey as well as an eye opener and a realization of how we can continuously improve. It enjoyed connecting and learning with students from other campuses, and the weekly check-ins made me reflect on campus structures, abilities to make change, and how we can learn from each other.”

Katrine Oesterby

Student, College of the Atlantic

“Learning about how my campus handles its waste was eye-opening. There is still plenty of progress that needs to be made before our University can sustainably manage its waste, but we are well on our way. The Atlas Fellowship gave me a great opportunity to learn more about my home, and I’m grateful for the chance to work with them.”

Jacob Foushee

Student, University of Louisville

“This experience felt like filling in a coloring book or flipping over blank cards to reveal a picture on the other side. I began to see the human picture of materials management on my campus that bins and tonnage reports do not show. At the same time, I practiced interview skills and began fruitful relationships with staff, faculty, and students.”

Anna Moore

Student, University of South Dakota

“The Atlas Zero Waste Fellowship has allowed me to more fully understand zero waste policies and actions. Through this fellowship I have learned invaluable skills and had the opportunity to meet so many amazing, passionate people.”

Annie Miller

Student, UC Berkeley

“Being part of the Atlas Zero Waste Fellowship allowed me to take a step in the direction towards my passions of zero-waste and sustainability. It gave me experience, connections, and the confidence that I need to continue living out those passions. I am grateful for the support system that I had during this fellowship.”

Lisa Saxton

Student, UC Berkeley

“Working with Atlas the past few months has truly been such a pleasure. The PLAN team, the students from other campuses, and the stakeholders I spoke to are all so passionate about zero waste and it’s inspiring to be a part of. I feel lucky to have experienced such a supportive community and worked with future leaders in the zero waste realm.”

Hannah Qiang

Student, UC Berkeley
Atlas staff and Fellows from Macalaster College share a meal in the dining hall.
Williams College Fellows show off a dishwasher they had installed in a campus coffee shop to clean reusable mugs.
Atlas Staff and Fellows walk through a surplus facility at University of Wisconsin Madison.
A group of students at the University of Wisconsin Madison pose in front of a mound of waste as they conduct a recycling audit.
A group of students at the University of Wisconsin Madison pose in front of a mound of waste as they conduct a recycling audit.
A group of students at the University of Wisconsin Madison pose in front of a mound of waste as they conduct a recycling audit.

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